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Lessons learnt from the challenge.

& before you know it, hey we are on day 27 of the challenge, how time fly's when you are having fun right! So what has this experience taught me, lets find out.

Keep walking.

There will be days when your enthusiasm wanes & you aren't as sure as the day before. When your thoughts aren't as gathered & your words struggle to flow. It's okay, keep walking, especially on those days you feel like your strides are not perfect keep at it. One day you will look back & realize hey it's the 27th day of the challenge & you have made it this far. Those not so well manicured strides did their job just like the manicured ones & they got you to day 27. So keep walking in every aspect of your life, one day you will marvel how far you have come.

Don't take yourself too seriously.

Yup don't take yourself too seriously (chuckles). With your writing & in life in general cut yourself some slack, remember to enjoy the little simple things in between, be a child at heart & laugh at yourself as you grow each & everyday.

Tell your story.

There is that cliche "be yourself because everyone else is taken" damn right (laughs). Don't conform to trends, don't sell out your singularity, tell your own story. There is a soul that will feed off it elsewhere, there is a lesson in it for someone somewhere. The world needs to hear yours like it has heard others. So clear your throat & confidently orate.


We are a beautiful complex species as human beings. One of our singular characteristics is that we are constantly evolving. Allow yourself to pick & drop on your way. Forgive yourself for the shortcomings, learn & keep walking. May you learn from literally everything & everyone, they are all teachers if you look close enough especially your failures.

If you're crazy enough to do it, then enjoy doing it.

Love what you do, do what you love wa wa (tongue stuck out, lol).

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